• Sacred geometry

    Sacred Geometry is in absolutely everything we can see, and it is in absolutely everything we cannot see.

  • Light Energy

    The type of energy I was drawn to from the beginning of my practice was always the light. All the healing rays of light and all the information it holds.

  • vibration + sound

    The addition of frequency, vibration and sound is a magnificent tool for the transmutation of energies.



The human body was designed to heal itself, and if our bodies were designed to heal themselves, that means our spirits are designed to heal themselves as well. The challenge most people encounter is overcoming the old stories that allow us to remember this sacred gift. We are all designed to heal ourselves.

My role is to help you remember by removing the resistances to the light that is you. Each and every one of us is a star in the night sky, walking around here on planet Earth. Absolutely unique, radiant and beautiful. When we incarnate, we ride in on our nascent frequency (our soul), which is in a constant state of flux and refinement as we live our lives. With every life experience, every lesson we learn; with every shift we choose to make, we are polishing our frequency, removing the static of the past and expanding into the now.

Traumas, memories, thoughts, feelings. These are all tied to our senses. When we energetically shift the structures around these experiences, our new sense of self can catapult us forward. We were lovingly given free will; so what do you choose? Stay in the prison of the past, or walk out a free soul? Here’s the catch-22: it’s totally up to you. You have to choose.

Think of these negative traumas, these memories, these thoughts and these feelings as layers of very thin wet fabric that is draped over, and in some cases, totally blocking your light. I specialize in clearing away these layers of fabric so your inner light glows its’ magnificent radiance; unfettered, unapologetic, and with a new, amplified confidence.


The science of my work is all about structures. My gift is deciphering these unseen energetic forms, and light is my medium.

Within these waves of light are multi-dimensional sacred structures.

When you break the world down into particles and waves, it’s highly reductionary and I find, simplistic in its complexity. Like a sauce that has been reduced on the stove, the amount of information that is compounded into that sauce is exponentially infinite.

It’s profoundly intelligent, and the gorgeous eloquence of it will humble all who catch a whiff or a glimmer. (I have only begun to understand the existence of this “divine core,” but I absolutely love the curious discovery of it)!

None of my work would be possible without the spiritual. I am nothing more than a channel of this light; my body just happens to be tuned to a frequency that makes this work possible. All of my intuition and all of my gifts come directly from this energy source.

In quantum physics, this energy source is what helps holds atoms together and is literally called the Strong Force, because they don’t know what else to call it. It is the unnamable. In the most ancient forms of yoga, it is SAT. In all organized religions, it is God. Einstein once stated “only the field exists,” and I like to believe this is what he was referring to.

Calling it the Holy Spirit resonates deeply with me. Probably because I am a recovering Catholic, but when I am working with my clients, this is what I have chosen to name this channeled light. Both ancient yogis and the Bible call the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost, because when this energy enters the body, you physically feel it. It is absolute beauty; it is ineffably loving, and it is the safest energy I have ever felt in my entire life, and to say I am grateful to share this light with all who are called to it, is an understatement.


How To Prepare For a Session //

Some clients just want to see what a healing session will be like, and don’t come prepared in any way shape or form. Others come in with written lists, or specific issues that they definitely want to clear. It all boils down to what you are willing to do for yourself; I will lovingly take care of you no matter what.


I’ve found it’s always best to abstain from drugs and alcohol at least a couple days before your scheduled appointment time. The energy disparity between the frequencies is so intense, it will not be a pleasing experience, but it will show you how detrimental drugs and alcohol are on your frequency. (YES, I have aided many on the path to overcoming addictive behaviors).

I always encourage my clients to dress very comfortably and to arrive as hydrated as possible because energy work dehydrates you very quickly. Electrolyte enhanced water or yogi gatorade (fresh lime juice, filtered water, and a pinch of Himalayan salt) is always great the night before.

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